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Team Dimensions Profile

Team Dimensions Profile

Featured in Ray Dalio’s New York Times bestseller,  Principles, The Team Dimensions Profile helps individuals discover their preferred role on a team.

Learning Objectives

PXT Select for Hiring

PXT Select for Hiring

Make informed hiring decisions with PXT Select. Use data to fill in the gaps between the resume and the interview. Compare candidates to a performance model for your position.

Proven and Validated

Checkpoint 360

Checkpoint 360 is a 360 feedback assessment tool. Leaders are assessed against 8 leadership competencies and 16 specific skill sets. Multiple report options are available.

Leadership Essentials Series

Vital Learning’s Leadership Essential Series includes 12 modules covering practical leadership skills. Topics include delegating, managing complaints, resolving conflict, and providing performance feedback.

All Modules Include

Based on Pat Lencioni’s best-selling fable, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, this program provides a framework for both teams and individuals to work towards building the skills necessary to achieve collective results.

Emotional Intelligence

Studies have indicated that Emotional Intelligence is a better indicator of success than a person’s IQ. Find out your EIQ score to discover how you can improve your Emotional Intelligence and, ultimately, your life.

Learning Objectives

ECHO Listening Assessment

Identify your preferred listening style and to develop an appreciation for other approaches that may be more effective in different situations. 

Learning Objectives

Motivators (PIAV)

The Motivators assessment is the result of Drs. Eduard Spranger’s and Gordon Allport’s combined research into what drives and motivates an individual.

Learning Objectives

quick team activities using everything disc on catalyst

Everything DiSC®

Discover the Power of Everything DiSC® – the most accurate and personalized DiSC Profile available. Learn more about your behavioral style and how you relate to others.

Features Overview

DiSC® Classic

The DiSC® Classic Profile is available in both paper and online format. DiSC Classic is a direct descendent of original DiSC behavioral assessment. Learn more about yourself and others with the original DiSC assessment.

Learning Objectives

Books & Resources

Explore our library of selected books and resources that support the assessments and tools we offer. Listen to author interviews and download discussion guides developed for our Bookends Bookclub.

Bookends Bookclub

Not sure which tool meets your needs?

Our team has over 30 years of experience in training and talent development. Reach out to us, and we will help you find the right solution to meet your personal, team, or organizational development goals.

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ProStar Coach

Strong for Performance (Powered by ProStar Coach) provides the essential follow-up and support needed to transform knowledge into automatic behaviors. Master important skills through practice and accountability.

Product Features

The Search for the Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine is a board game for companies and professional organizations. The game is fun, and it will help teach lessons on collaboration, team building, and motivations.

Product Features

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