Team Dimensions Profile

Discover your work talent. Harness a process for innovation on any team.

Team Dimensions Report

What is the Team Dimensions Profile?

The Team Dimensions Profile uses an assessment process to identify a person’s unique work talent within the innovation process. The corresponding report offers insights into why someone prefers certain types of work, meetings, or processes. It will even help them understand what part of a project they should focus their attention on not only because they are the best person for it but also because they will enjoy the work as well.

The Team Dimensions profile identifies five unique work roles: 

Creator - Team Dimensions Profile


Someone who receives the role of creator has a passion for ideation. They live in the world of possibilities and look for activities that are unstructured of abstract.

Advancer - Team Dimensions Profile


These team members are skilled communicators. They focus on the interactive world of feelings and relationships. They manage the human component of any solution.


This role seeks to analyze solutions for flaws. They are objective and live in the world of analysis, facts, or theories. They use logic and systematic approach to redesign a solution.

Executor - Team Dimensions Profile


Individuals in this role focus on concrete results and seek successful implementations. They are realists and pay attention to details and the bottom line.

Flexer - Team Dimensions Assessment


This role is a combination of all the other four roles. They have an equal preference for most or all of the roles. Flexers often adapt themselves to fit the needs of a team and can view issues from different perspectives.

Knowing your role is just the start.

The Team Dimensions profile provides an easy-to-implement process called the “Z Process.” This process is most effective when all team members know their unique roles and are completing the work they want and should do. The tool and process are simple and can take as little time as an hour to implement.

How Does the Team Dimensions Profile Work?

Featured in Ray Dalio’s, New York Times Best-selling book, PrinciplesThe Team Dimensions Profile helps individuals work from their strengths when part of a team. It identifies their most natural team role while giving them an additional appreciation for the contributions and talents of others.

The assessment model focuses on understanding two primary aspects of how we work:

  • Affinity – what we enjoy doing
  • Ability – what we do well

These two scales are mapped below. Affinity is measured vertically and asks whether we prefer to adopt new ideas or tools in the early stages. Ability is measured horizontally and asks if someone enjoys focusing on tasks or people.

team dimensions graph

Team Dimensions: Role Affinity

Team Dimensions uses the work of Everett Rogers’ book Diffusion of Innovations to help understand a person’s affinity and ability.

Rogers analyzed the rate at which ideas are accepted. He theorizes that early adopters and innovators account for only 16% of the population. Late adopters and laggards account for 50% of the population and the remainder is somewhere in between.

Early adopters accept new ideas with ease whereas late adopters and laggards are more skeptical in nature. Regardless if a person is an early adopter, a laggard, or somewhere in-between, they will have an impact on a project’s competition and success.

Rogers’ theory helps us understand when someone should work on a project during its lifecycle.

Team Dimensions Role: Ability

The Team Dimensions profile combines Rogers’s theory of idea adoption with an individual’s affinity for the type of work they like to perform. It helps identify why certain people dread project kick-off meetings that focus on ideation or why others feel attacked when their ideas are scrutinized.

Team Dimensions aims to align individuals to work on tasks they enjoy. Furthermore, it will help get the right people together at the right time during a project’s life cycle. 

The latter part of this process is outlined within the report and can be demonstrated during an optional training program called the Z Process.

What does Team Dimensions Cost?

Each person on your team will need their own profile in order to use this product.

There are volume discounts when you purchase more than 15 profiles/assessments. Once you place your order for this product, you will receive a unique access code that you or your team members will use to start their assessment.

Access codes may only be used once. 

If you are looking to purchase assessments for a large group, please reach out and we can help distribute the assessments to your team.

# of Team Members Price Per Profile
1 – 15
16 – 30
31 – 50

Team Dimensions and the "Z Process"

The Z Process ensures that the right person works on the part of the project that matches their role at the right time. It’s an easy-to-implement solution for teams to align with tasks that they want to work on. It can lead to faster project completion and more effective meetings.

The Z Process is not linear.

Ideas or projects that go through it may move forward and backward many times. When used correctly, good ideas become better, and work is done faster.

The Z Process - Team Dimensions Profile

Creating Stage

The Creators will start the Z Process during the creating stage. Their goal is to maintain an open environment where they can come up with as many ideas as possible.

During this time, they may stray into the realm of wacky potentiality. Let them. The goal is for them to focus on the big picture and provide a handful of ideas they believe could be successful.

Advancing Stage

Once the Creators have a list of ideas they feel have potential, they will work with the Advancers to identify the ideas with the most realistic potential.

Advancers will identify ideas they feel have value but need some work to implement. They will start by showcasing its merits with the Refiners, taking suggestions and criticisms, and carefully relaying the feedback to the creators for improved ideas. They will balance critical feedback with the people who created them.

Refining Stage

At this stage, Refiners will take ideas and work to eliminate them. They will focus on facts, logic, and reality. No problem is too small—they must find all of them.

Once this stage in the process has wrapped up, Refiners will send back the list of items they feel need improvement to the Advancers.

Executing Stage

The idea should be 95% flushed out at this point in the process. The only remaining items are implementation details that have less to do with the idea itself and more with managing crucial details supporting the project or idea’s overall success.

The individuals with the Role of Executing will take ownership of the idea or project at this point in the process and move it out into the world. They will focus on the details that matter for setting the project live.

Cost: $59.00 (Pricing based on Volume)

Respondents complete the assessment online and receive the report in a PDF. 

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