Everything DiSC Work of Leaders

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®

DiSC Leadership Training Program

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® provides a simple, compelling process that helps leaders get real results. The program improves self-awareness in key areas that will help leaders get better outcomes.

The profile was designed from the insights from 300 experts in over 150 organizations. Furthermore, it includes important work of the most prominent training and development scholars, and over four years of additional research and development.

Through this research, the profile was built around three cornerstone principles of leaders: Vision, Alignment, and Execution.  With these principles, the Work of Leaders focuses on helping leaders understand how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

The Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Profile includes:

  1. Your DiSC Style
  2. Your Leadership Style
  3. Context-specific feedback
  4. Tips and strategies for improving leadership effectiveness

DiSC Leadership Insights

DiSC Leadership

Work of Leaders approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship, as opposed to the one-to-one relationship of management. From this perspective, the profile helps leaders identify their leadership strengths in three primary areas:

  1. Vision – How a leader Explores ideas, Tests Assumptions, or exhibits boldness.
  2. Building Alignment – How a leader clarifies their vision, promotes and inspires employees around an idea or strategy
  3. Championing Execution – How a leader builds momentum, structures a plan or analysis, and provides feedback to ensure everything works as planned.

Your DiSC style influences how you approach each of the steps of the process. DiSC doesn’t imply that you can or can’t do any of the steps. It simply tells you how much energy will be required to do the different aspects of each step.

Unlike other DiSC reports, which emphasize understanding the differences between people, Work of Leaders focuses on understanding how your tendencies influence your effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

What does Everything DiSC Work of Leaders cost?

Quantity Price Per Report
1 – 9
10 – 19
20 – 29
30 – 39
40 – 59
60 – 79
80 – 100

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Quantity Price Per Report
1 – 9
10 – 19
20 – 29
30 – 39
40 – 59
60 – 79
80 – 100

Access Codes

Purchase unique access codes to start the assessment. Results are shown immediately after completion.

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DiSC Leadership

Buy the Work of Leaders book

The Work of Leaders book is the publication that was the forerunner to the Work of Leaders profile. In this book, the authors provide a deeper context about each foundational step that leaders must take to be more successful.

How the process works

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Vision
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Alignment
Everything DiSC Work of Leadership Execution

The three primary leadership steps that are covered in this program are Crafting a Vision, Building Alignment, and Championing Execution. Each leadership step contains three drivers which have two continua for each driver. The continua for each driver provide leaders a deeper understanding of how they naturally lead

As an example, the Crafting a Vision step is the driver of ‘remaining open’. This driver has two behavioral sides: Seek Closure or Remain Open. Every leader will naturally align with either behavior based on their DiSC style.

See the image below for how this example looks in the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders profile:

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Continua

A leader must first understand how they naturally align with either behavior on the continua and then reflect on when they should rely on their natural behavior or stretch towards the other behavior to fit the need of the situation. Each behavior isn’t necessarily good or bad, but a leader must understand when they might be leaning on their natural behavior rather than stretching towards another behavior when the situation calls for it.

These insights are imperative as leaders navigate and reflect on how they should approach their organizational goals.

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Purchase the Work of Leaders Training Program

The Everything DiSC Work of Leaders assessment is designed to be used with the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Facilitation Program. This training program is designed so a coach, trainer, or learning & development professional can purchase the kit and run a successful leadership development training on their own.

Included in the facilitation kit are:

  • 6 Hours of Leadership training based on DiSC
  • Fully developed Powerpoints
  • Engaging videos and activities
  • Handouts
  • Scripted facilitators guide

To see how this leadership development training program works, watch this sample introduction video to Everything DiSC Work of Leaders:

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® Profile

Research-validated, online assessment. 23-page leader-specific profile report provides detailed context-specific feedback based on the three-step Vision, Alignment, and Execution Model and the three drivers associated with each step. Strong visuals and illustrations, including 18 behavioral continua, delve deep into what steps leaders can take to increase the behaviors linked to the essential best practices of leadership.

Easily customizable. Remove or rearrange pages, customize the profile title, or print selected sections. The profile may be used on its own or with the companion facilitation (sold separately).


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