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Why work with us?

Center for Internal Change, a division of The TEAM Approach, Inc., has over 30 years of experience in team building, leadership training, and personal development.

Committed to your success

Today, there are countless tools and organizations that you can choose to work with. Why choose us? We offer value beyond the transaction. As a Center for Internal Change client, you will receive:

Beta Access

Test and influence new or enhanced products. Did you know that Everything DiSC Workplace went through five rounds of beta testing? Our clients have had opportunities to test the products we represent.

Free Consultations

Receive free coaching and product consultation. We support your successful training delivery by providing on-demand access to our train-the-trainers. We are available to provide ideas on how to customize a learning process to meet your needs.

certification options

Participate in our Everything DiSC Certification. We are one of a just a few organizations licensed to deliver Everything DiSC Certification. Join us online and become certified in Everything DiSC.

Extensive offerings

Choose from six publishers in addition to our own proprietary products. We do not see everything through the lens of one solution, and we will help you create a customized solution.

What do we believe about personal and organizational development?

  1. All development is self-development.
  2. You only learn what you want to learn, when you want to learn it.
  3. Feedback is essential for learning.
  4. Not all performance problems are cured by instruction.
  5. Behavior is not changed in a single training event, but as a result of a process that links the learning to practice and feedback.
  6. Organizational change is most successful when developed and implemented at the team level, one team at a time.

Our Mission

Creating teams that work for everyone.

our vision

Workplace as community.

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