
Everything DiSC Productive Conflict

Curb Destructive Workplace Behaviors

The Everything DiSC Productive Conflict Profile helps teams and organizations improve their self-awareness around ‘conflict behaviors’. The profile doesn’t teach conflict resolution. Rather, it’s focused on helping individuals curb destructive thoughts so conflict can occur without causing relationships to breakdown.

Patrick Lencioni’s NYTimes Bestseller, Five Dysfunctions of a Team highlights conflict as one keystone of high-functioning teams. The term ‘conflict’ might sound negative, but Lencioni uses the term deliberately. When we are committed to finding the best course of action we engage in constructive conflict. We argue for what we believe is right and submit to another person if their point of view provides a better plan.

However, conflict can’t occur productively if individuals don’t recognize that their behaviors are destructive and causing a breakdown in trust. Everything DiSC helps us bridge a gap in trust by helping us understand another person’s motivations and behaviors. This report is designed to be used with all employees in any organization or company. Furthermore, no previous experience with DiSC is necessary.

The DiSC Productive Conflict Profile includes:

The Productive Conflict assessment is one part of a larger training program. Explore how this assessment and the training program can help your employees or team engage in constructive conflict.

Quantity Price
1 – 12
13 – 24
25 – 37
38 – 49
50 – 74
75 – 99

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DiSC helps us understand ourself and others

Before we can engage in productive conflict, we must first understand our behavioral tendencies and the tendencies of those around us. DiSC is able to provide those crucial insights in a simple and easy to understand model.

Through DiSC, we learn both our own natural behavior responses and why our co-workers, friends, and family behave the way they do.  Everyone has a specific DiSC style. This assessment asks about 90 questions to help understand your specific DiSC style.

Everything DiSC Productive Conflict is a four-quadrant model that groups individuals into one of four unique styles. Everything DiSC provides deeper insights than other DISC-based assessments because it weighs if a person might have a combination style outside of the standard four styles.

As an example, think about someone at your work who might have a strong need for control. In a meeting, it might seem like they need to always comment on what’s being discussed and provide their point of view and how something might affect them. It’s likely that this person has a strongly inclined D-Style.

Productive Conflict

Above is an image of a completed Everything DiSC Productive Conflict report. You can see that based on this person’s results, they received an iD-Style. The location of their dot tells both what their DiSC Style is, and how inclined (or tied) to their behavioral style. This person is strongly-inclined because the dot is on the outer edge of the circle.

Once you complete your Everything DiSC Productive Conflict assessment, you will receive both your DiSC Style and your Conflict Priorities. These two insights will help you understand how you can contribute towards constructive conflict engagements in your place of work.

Your Style in Conflict

How we behave in conflict is largely determined based on our DiSC priorities. These are behaviors that we naturally lean towards during conflict. Using the graph listed above as an example, you can see that this particular person has four priorities. Everyone will have at least three conflict priorities.

This person will lean towards being assertive, maintaining control, expressing their opinion, but also providing reassurance. Our Everything DiSC priorities give a deeper level of personalization to our DiSC style. They help distinguish the differences between two individuals who have the same DiSC Styles, but one has an extra priority. 

When we are in conflict, our priorities help explain what actions and behaviors we exhibit naturally. It’s important to understand our behaviors in conflict so we can know the affects we might have on others and the affects that others have on us. Additionally, our priorities will tell us which behaviors we might need to stretch towards. A Person with the D-Style might have a harder time stretching towards the priority of Stability, but the situation might call for it if the conflict is becoming un-productive.

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Automatic Thoughts and Productive Conflict

Understanding Automatic Thoughts

Productive Conflict

The last part of the Everything DiSC Productive Conflict profile deals with an area called Destructive Responses and Automatic Thoughts. Let’s dig into automatic thoughts first.

Neurscience and behavioral economics has taught us that our brains have two different wiring systems:

  • System One is the system that works at lightening speed – it allows us to both drive on the highway going 75 miles an hour while also having a conversation with someone sitting next to us. This system is able to pull in lots and lots of information and make assumptions about what is going on.
  • System Two is the part of our brain that is able to make deep rationalizations or use logic. When you are trying to work on your taxes or do any type of math, you are using System Two.

Everyday, we automatically make assumptions about what is going on (System One). These assumptions are a large part as to why humanity was able to survive bears, snakes, lions and many other larger and fiercer animals in the wild. We were able to process information quickly and act without ‘thinking’.

Fortunately, we don’t have the same perils that our ancestors had 10,000 years ago. However, we have the same mental processing power. Today, our System One is processing and causing us to act on information just as quickly as when we need to fight or run away from a bear, but our world has slowed down. Our largest problems today are social and emotional which demands that we slow down how we approach these problems (System Two).

DiSC helps provided a keycode into understanding why we might automatically produce a negative thought based on someone else’s behavior. The goal, is that over time, this tool will allow us to identify these thoughts more easily and quickly, but it will be hard at the start.



Choosing Productive Responses

We all have engaged in destructive responses. Without understanding our automatic thoughts, we won’t be able to choose productive responses while we are engaging in Conflict. Our destructive responses have a wide range.

Here are a few of them:

  1. Arguing
  2. Belittling
  3. Caving In
  4. Defensiveness
  5. Dismissing Opinions
  6. Drama
  7. Exaggerating
  8. Exclusion
  9. Finger-Pointing
  10. Gossiping

Everything DiSC Productive Conflict can’t tell you what your destructive responses are, but it will help you identify which automatic thoughts might lead you there. As an example, a person with the D-Style might engage in being overly defensive, they might argue, or dismiss other’s opinions if they feel like they are loosing their sense of control.

The last part of this program is the most important: the learner must understand what destructive responses they engage in the most and what thoughts bring them to those behaviors. Learners will have a chance to identify which destructive response they have had, and then they will take a moment to try and reframe their thinking. This process is formally called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This process is a very simplified version of what therapists use.

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Personal Results + Engaging Training = Effective training

The Everything DiSC Productive Conflict report is designed to be used specifically with this training program. The DiSC Productive Conflict facilitation kit includes:

  • 4 hours of training content
  • Engaging videos
  • Activities that will facilitate interpersonal discussions
  • Handouts 
  • Scripted leaders guide and customizable Powerpoints

Check out a sample video from the Everything DiSC Productive Conflict training program:

When you purchase the Everything DiSC Productive conflict facilitation kit, you will received everything you need to run an engaging workshop. This program costs $1,295 plus shipping.

MyEverythingDiSC is a free platform that learners can use to connect with others to continue learning and using DiSC. This platform provides learners the ability to create group maps, compare results, and listen to podcasts about their unique DiSC Style. The best part? MyEverything DiSC is included for free with the purchase of an Everything DiSC Productive Conflict assessment.

Everything DiSC Productive Conflict is a 23-page report that helps a person understand their DiSC Style, their priorities in Conflict, and how to engage with others that have a different DiSC Style.

Then, the report goes into helping individuals understand their automatic thoughts and how to reframe their thoughts so they don’t lead to destructive behaviors.

This report is designed to be used with the Everything DiSC Productive Conflict facilitation kit. 

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