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Emotional Intelligence (EIQ) Assessment

Formerly EIQ-2

Improve your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EQ/EI/EIQ) is an ability that everyone can learn and improve. The EIQ test allows a person to understand and develop their emotional intelligence. It measures a person in four areas: Self-Awareness, Social Awareness, Self-Management, Social Management. Strong awareness and management in these areas allow individuals to solve and overcome problems more easily and find more satisfaction in their personal lives and at work.

$49.50 / Assessment

How Does the EIQ Profile Work?

In his bestselling book, Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman helps readers understand that in every moment, we are experiencing the world through “two brains”: our rational brain (the Frontal Lobe), and our emotional brain (the Limbic System). 

Researchers have known for a while that one of the frontal lobe’s primary functions is determining how we interact with the world around us. The latest research shows that we actually feel before we think. Certain emotions can even hijack our thinking and, in turn, how we perceive our environment. 

The EIQ report helps us better understand how we respond in situations where our emotions might interrupt our thinking.

People typically attribute the lion's share of their success personally and professionally to their mental intelligence, or IQ. Research in psychology and human performance over the last twenty years indicates that mental intelligence does contribute to success BUT the far more significant intelligence that accounts for personal and professional success is emotional intelligence!

After the test is completed, the respondent will be given their EIQ 'score' in four key areas:


Social Recognition

Self Management

Social Management

Emotional Intelligence can be learned.

If you receive a low score, the good news is you can always improve it! In addition to receiving your score, the EIQ report comes with worksheets to help respondents think through and even improve their personal scores. The worksheets are designed to help learners identify areas for improvement. Download the sample report above to view the worksheets.

Purchase the EIQ Assessment

Instant Results

You will receive a URL and code to enter to begin the assessment. Results are sent to each respondent immediately after completing the assessment. 

Emotional Intelligence for Professional Success

A person with a high emotional intelligence is more likely to be aware of and manage his / her behavior in stressful workplace situations.

That balance lends itself to improved decision making and leadership. A person with a high emotional intelligence level is also likely to be better at “reading” the emotions in others, thereby engaging them for more profitable and mutually beneficial outcomes, whether that be in sales, management, customer service or team projects.

Emotional intelligence counts more than IQ or expertise for determining who excels at a job -- any job. For outstanding leadership, it counts for almost everything.

Every individual is capable of improving his/her emotional intelligence and gleaning the almost immediate benefits that come with this heightened self-awareness. The Emotional Intelligence (EIQ) assessment offers us a roadmap to begin and continually refine this simultaneously personal and professional endeavor.

This profile can be used with individuals in a professional setting or with teams that want to increase their effectiveness. Furthermore, this product works well with other behavioral training like Everything DiSC

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