DiSC® Classic 2.0 Non-US English Language Versions

Purchase DiSC Classic 2.0 in 13 different languages outside of US English. This product is only for non-American English versions of the profile.

Purchase DiSC® Classic 2.0

DiSC® Classic 2.0 is an online personality assessment identifying a person’s behavioral and communication style on the DiSC Model. When a person takes this assessment, they will find out which of the four DiSC Styles is their primary behavioral style:

Learners will identify their DiSC Style by looking at their scores on a line graph:

DiSC® Classic 2.0

Once a learner identifies their DiSC type, their report contains additional information on developing further awareness around how they communicate and how to adapt their communication to interact and relate better with others.

DiSC® Classic 2.0 Language Options:

The DiSC Classic assessment and completed profile are available in 13 languages outside of American English. Learners who wish to use DiSC in their native language can both complete the assessment and read their report in the language of their choice. The following languages are available for use:

  • Romanian
  • Portuguese Brazilian
  • Dutch
  • Swedish
  • English (UK)
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • German
  • French
  • Korean
  • Chinese
  • Danish
  • Spanish

DiSC Classic Assessment

DiSC Classic 2.0 is a validated personality assessment, and it uses a forced choice assessment method where learners answer 27 questions to determine their personality style. In each of the 27 questions, a learner is presented with four adjectives where they must choose which adjective describes them by selecting ‘most’ and ‘least.’ After completing their assessment, a learner will receive their DiSC Style and DiSC Classical pattern style for further information about their personality type.

DiSC is best used during a facilitated discussion, coaching session, or team training. While the concepts can be understood easily on their own, the power of DiSC is when it is used with others. The tool is focused on interpersonal relationships. Therefore, it’s best to discuss the results with others.