Learn the C Personality Type

Welcome to our series on the DiSC personality types! 

During this series, we explore each of the DiSC Personality Types. For this article, we will focus on the C Personality type or C Style. DiSC is comprised of four personality types. Choose from one of the other personality types to learn about the other styles:

D Personality

D Personality

Learn about the D Personality Type

C Personality

C Personality

Learn about the C Personality Type

i Personality

Learn more about the i Personality Type

S Personality

S Personality

Learn more about the S Personality Type

C Personality Type

People with the C style focus on accuracy and getting things right. Because they want to ensure superior results, they tend to analyze options rationally and separate emotions from facts. In addition, they also value stability. Since they tend to appreciate follow-through and restraint, they’re uncomfortable with quick or risky decisions and prefer to take time to make an informed choice.

Furthermore, people with the C style are attentive to uncovering problems and mistakes. In their quest to find the most streamlined or productive method of completing their tasks, they may openly question ideas and point out flaws that others may have missed.


Being wrong, strong displays of emotion


Letting people down, rapid change


Connecting with the C Personality Type

People with the C style would often rather focus on facts than feelings. They probably don’t share a tendency to focus on relationships. In fact, they may find it hard to relate to a trusting, open nature. They are naturally skeptical. They prefer to take a more analytical approach, rather than accept anyone at face value. This might make if feel like they are stand offish when they are actually just taking time to develop their own opinions.

  • Avoid asking them personal questions, and don’t take their detachment personally.
  • Keep discussions focused on the facts and emphasize the task at hand.
  • Respect their preference to work independently.

Managing Tension with the C Style

Because people with the C style often view conflict as a disagreement over who is correct, they usually avoid direct aggression and focus on challenging the reasoning behind an argument. If emotions run high, however, they’re likely to withdraw. 

  • Address the issues rather than hoping the conflict will work itself out.
  • State your position objectively and give them time to present their side.
  • Avoid emotional displays, since this makes them uncomfortable and more likely to retreat.