DiSC® Training Activities

This article shares three DiSC training activities for anyone hoping to introduce a DiSC-based workplace culture and keep DiSC front of mind long after the initial assessment.

However, these brief training activities can only accomplish so much. We use these activities to support a DiSC training workshop that we conduct using Everything DiSC Catalyst. 

Participating in an Everything DiSC training is a powerful way to enhance workplace relationships by improving understanding of self and others. In-depth training program materials are available for purchase, or you can contact our organization to run a DiSC Training Workshop for you.

All three of the following activities require having learners complete the Everything DiSC on Catalyst assessment.

DiSC Training Activity: DiSC Assessment Reflection Exercise

Immediately after completing the Everything DiSC Catalyst assessment, learners are excited to see their style and dig into their results. This is the perfect opportunity to provide a self-guided activity to enhance their understanding of the DiSC model and allow learners to explore their results on the Catalyst platform.

We send learners an automated email upon assessment completion (we use Zapier to automate the process, but you could also send emails by hand). They receive a link to a survey form with a list of questions prompting them to log into Catalyst, view an embedded video tour of the platform, reflect on their results, and learn the basics of DiSC.

Learners will appreciate having time to reflect on their style and learn more about DiSC in general (especially your C-Personality Type individuals)

You can review our reflection exercise here ->

DiSC Training Activity: Team Culture Discussion

DiSC Training Activity - Team Culture Discussion

Once your team has been introduced to DiSC and unpacked their own DiSC results, the Group Culture Report is an ideal next step. It provides a page with benefits, drawbacks, and discussion questions based on the group culture created by the four primary DiSC styles.

This DiSC Group report combines the results of your entire team into a single report that includes a group map and an analysis of how the distribution of DiSC styles in your group may affect your team culture.

Even if you don’t purchase this report, you can create a simplified version of the discussion around this powerful tool by adding up the number of people on your team with each DiSC style. If one or two styles are over-represented, your team likely has a group culture based on the dominant style(s).

When you use Everything DiSC on Catalyst, you will have access to free Catalyst Group Reports that you can use as well.

You might use these discussion questions to start a conversation about the benefits and drawbacks of your group’s DiSC culture:

  • What are the characteristics of the dominant DiSC style, and how might those show up in our team culture?
  • What are the advantages and drawbacks of our dominant style’s culture?
  • How does this culture support and inhibit the success of our team?

DiSC Training Activity: QuikDiSC®

QuikDiSC cards, available here, provide a variety of entertaining, ice-breaking activities and are a great addition to your box of training tools.

QuikDiSC includes 128 cards divided into four, color-coded groups of 32 cards each.

Each group has four sets of eight words that describe D, i, S, or C behavioral dimensions. One set of cards is adequate for a group of up to 21 people. For larger groups, you will need to order multiple decks.  

We use QuikDiSC cards for a variety of DiSC training activities, from starting the conversation at the beginning of a DiSC training session to set the stage for teamwork sessions weeks after formal DiSC training takes place. Here is one potential ice-breaker:


  1. Shuffle the cards together
  2. Randomly deal five cards to each participant
  3. Of the five cards, each person should choose three that MOST describe them
  4. The other two cards should be left, face up, on the table
  5. With their three remaining cards in hand, the participants should mingle with others and try to swap cards to end up with three cards that truly describe them. For example, if I have the cards sociable, adventuresome, and fact-finder, but I don’t really think adventuresome describes me, I would try to find someone looking for adventuresome who has a card that I believe describes me better
  6. If people are unable to find cards that describe them by exchanging them with others, they may also exchange cards lying on the table (those that were discarded by other participants). However, if they pick one up, they MUST discard one of theirs
  7. Once everyone has their 3 descriptor cards, each person will select 1 card (probably the one that most describes them) and tell the rest of the class why they chose that particular card. An additional step that we used in this group is also to tell everyone one potential strength of this card and one potential weakness.

The objectives of this exercise are to get the participants acquainted and comfortable with one another and also to open the doors for effective communication. This is done chiefly by the last part of the exercise: telling a strength and weakness of your behavioral trait. This creates vulnerability, which can help to open lines of communication between people.

Want more QuikDiSC ideas?

This PDF document has a link to three additional activities ->