Case Study: Getting Results with Everything DiSC Sales
The selling process can be respectful. The Everything DiSC Sales Profile offers a respectful way of understanding both your customers’ needs and their buying style.
Salespeople want results. But how do you get results when you don’t speak your customer’s “language?”
The consultant used the Everything DiSC® Sales program to show a group of very extroverted salespeople that not every customer responds well to an energetic, enthusiastic sales approach. Salespeople learned that adapting their behavior was crucial to meeting their customers’ needs and improving their results.
“It opened up lots of focused discussion, and for salespeople, that is huge.”
The participants responded particularly well to video segments that showed what happened when salespeople failed to adapt their behaviors. Participants saw themselves in the video and this realization got them talking about why certain sales calls had failed in the past.
“They said things like, ‘Sometimes my energy might be a little too much,’ ” the consultant revealed. “And they realized why some customers seemed to go along with them but never followed through.”
“The personalized feedback described the participants’ sales approaches, allowing them to see how different types of customers may interpret their behavior in different ways.”
In addition, the personalized sales report helped participants discover more about themselves and their preferences in sales situations, Lucente said. Participants focused on how their styles meshed or clashed with their customers’ needs, and they discussed what they could do to make their jobs better, even if it wasn’t always easy.
“The report talks about challenges, and salespeople don’t like to think that they have challenges,” the consultant said. “But they had to admit that the report was pretty right on.”
The personalized feedback described the participants’ sales approaches, allowing them to see how different types of customers may interpret their behavior in different ways. Furthermore, the report offered guidance on how to adapt their behaviors to make each sales call as productive as it could be.
The insights that Everything DiSC Sales provides to the participants helped them become more effective salespeople.
“Sales is about relationships,” the consultant shared. “This training can help in sales situations, and it can also go a long way toward improving interactions with other people, not just customers.”
Download PDF version Case Study: Getting Results with Everything DiSC Sales.
For more information about the Center for Internal Change and the Everything DiSC and DiSC Classic products we provide, please call us at (847) 259-0005.
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Intro the Everything DiSC Sales Model
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