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Q1 2024: Five Behavior Showcases

Five Behaviors 2024 Showcase Dates

Five Behaviors of a Team Showcase Dates

Commit to building stronger teams in 2024!

The Five Behaviors training program added a unique training option in 2018: train individuals on the Five Behaviors’ teamwork concepts they can use on any team.

This program allows organizations, divisions, or groups to start the work of building better teams without needing an intact team to go through the process together. The program focuses on helping each individual understand how they approach teamwork and how to use this knowledge to improve the teams they work on.

Join an upcoming showcase!

This year, any coach, trainer, or learning & development professional can experience how this program works and receive a free Five Behaviors Personal Development assessment. The publisher of the Five Behaviors training program has scheduled two showcase dates for Q1 2024:

  • March 13th at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST

Register for one of the showcase dates below:

Five Behaviors® Virtual Showcase

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