Complete a certification course; get SHRM PDCs
We are pleased to announce that when you complete certain certification courses through our organization, you are eligible to receive Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for a Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) Professional recertification. Today, our clients are able to receive the following SHRM PDCs when they complete any of the following courses:

Everything DiSC Certification. View Course Details for more information

Five Behaviors Accreditation. View Course Details for more information

PXT Select for Hiring. View Course Details for more information
Each course contains self-paced pre-work and a live training session (online & in-person options are available). Once you complete the certification course and pass the exam, we will work with you to award your SHRM Professional Development Credits.
What are SHRM Professional Development Credits?
The Society of Human Resources (SHRM) offers Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) and Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) certifications. These certifications are often crucial for HR Managers to gain promotions in their organization and also for their own professional knowledge that they can bring to their workplace. Once an HR Professional completes either of SHRM’s certificate programs, it’s required for that certified professional to continue their HR Education by taking courses that offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs).
Our certification courses are published by John Wiley and Sons. Wiley is well known throughout the academic field because they are the leader in publishing resources for higher education institutions. We are pleased to represent their courses and to offer SHRM Professionals an option that stretches them towards Learning and Development subjects.
Can I receive other Professional Development Credits?
We have worked with our clients to receive credits from ATD (Association of Talent Development), PMI (Project Management Institute), and ICF (International Coaching Federation). If you have a professional title and you are looking for professional credits to count towards your re-certification we hope you consider our programs.
Join an upcoming class!
Join an upcoming DiSC, Five Behaviors, or PXT Select certification to receive your SHRM PDCs.