Case Study: Struggling Leadership Team Uses Everything DiSC Management
Communication problems, interpersonal conflicts and trust issues for leadership team are improved using the Everything DiSC Management Profile and Comparison Reports.
– Non-profit company with over 500 employees
– The leadership team had communication gaps, interpersonal difficulties, and trust issues.
The first intervention focused on the leadership team. In order to understand the breadth of the problem, the entire leadership team gathered in one room and discussed the challenges they were facing. Over the next months, I followed up with each individual.
The Chief Operating Officer was primarily responsible for all of the leadership team members. After our session, he said that he felt like he needed to go back to school to learn how to manage people. I suggested that in lieu of going back to school, he take the Everything DiSC Management assessment.
He took the assessment and loved the results so much that he brought it to the HR department and told them he thought the whole organization should go through it. The HR department pushed back, because they had already put the entire organization through Predictive Index®. However, the COO was determined to bring the leadership team through the profile, and showed the HR team how simple and intuitive it was. He thought that the rest of the organization would appreciate how much easier DiSC® was to understand, and he was successful in his pursuit.
The leadership team went through two four-hour sessions, using two modules from Everything DiSC Management. During those sessions, we also discussed trust, relationships, and groupforming stages (forming, norming, storming, performing and adjourning), which helped them to be more comfortable and to see the benefits of opening up when discussing DiSC.
After the sessions, I created Everything DiSC Comparison Reports for the leadership team. Their feedback was that the Comparison Reports were not only right on, they were very invaluable in really understanding the individual relationships they had with each other. They are continuing to use the reports on their own to improve their communications and relationships.
After working with the leadership team, the executive who supervises the mid-level managers decided that he wanted to bring Everything DiSC Management to all of the mid-level managers. Currently, we are in the process of administering the profile to the mid-level managers.
They have indicated a great deal of improvement in their functioning together since we started our process 15 months ago. In fact, they are so committed to the learning process with the Everything DiSC family of products, they opened their own EPIC account, and they love that they don’t have to pay an annual fee to use the account and they can pay as they go. EPIC has allowed them to keep their learning alive and to respond to both immediate and long-term needs.
For more information about the Center for Internal Change and the Everything DiSC and DiSC Classic products we provide, please call us at (847) 259-0005.